One refreshing trend of the 2020’s is that with home decorating almost anything goes. As long as you stay loosely with a single theme, the options for your home are limitless. Choosing to accent one wall is one easy way of adding interest to a room. It’s also an easy way to get around your child wanting to paint their entire room hot pink, or lurid green or black. Giving them the opportunity to express their artistic flair on one wall could save you a lot of angst. Blackboard paint could also be a fun choice for part of a child’s room. Most often, an accent wall is designed to either highlight a feature in a room, by drawing your eye to it. This is easily achieved with paint and Dulux, for example, now has a range of paints with finishes including glitter, chalk, concrete, metallic, copper, patina, pearl, metal shimmer, stone, rust, stainless steel, suede and gold. Just changing the paint colour of one wall can introduce interest and flair. Painting with a light colour adds the illusion of space, opening up a small room that helps the wall feel further away. Using dark colours makes the wall appear closer and can help a room feel cosy. Perhaps you just want to add a splash of colour to brighten up neutral tones or change the paint on one wall to better suit your artwork. Remember, feature walls don’t always have to be dark or bold colours and the choice is dependent on what you would like to achieve. A feature wall can also help separate different spaces within your home – create a small reading nook in your lounge or an office space in the dining room. Using paint to delineate space is a clever and easy solution. And if you find you don’t like it, your tastes change, or trends change it’s so easy to get in there and repaint. A painted feature wall is an easy and economical way to add some fun and flair to your home.
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Painted feature walls and fashion trends
What's in vogue in 2020?